Homer Rhode Loop Knot - The Fisherman

Homer Rhode Loop Knot

Homer Rhode was a pioneer in catching tarpon and snook on fly tackle, and he developed the famous loop knot that bears his name. It’s simple and exceptionally strong when used with monofilament and fluorocarbon leaders from 20- to 80-pound test. For northeast surf fishermen, it’s a great knot to use when they don’t want to use a metal snap. Boaters looking to jig fall bluefish and striped bass will also like this knot.

The size of the final loop is controlled by 1) keeping the first loop close to the eye of the plug, bucktail or jig, and 2) by pushing the second loop close to the first before drawing the knot closed.

Tie it a few times and you’ll see what I mean. After 60 years, the Homer Rhode Loop Knot may be considered old-time by some fishermen, but it’s a superb knot and can be tied in low light and even with slippery fingers. It’s still a winner!

2017 9 HOMER RHODE 1
Step 1: Tie an overhand knot about 4 inches above the tag end.


2017 9 HOMER RHODE 2
Step 2: Insert the tag end through the lure eye and back through the overhand loop.


2017 9 HOMER RHODE 3
Step 3: Tie a second overhand knot around both the standing line and the tag end.


2017 9 HOMER RHODE 4
Step 4: Pull the overhand knots closed by pulling equally on the lure, the tag end and standing line.


2017 9 HOMER RHODE 5
Step 5: Pull on the lure and the standing line to draw the two loops together.


2017 9 HOMER RHODE 6
Step 6: Trim the tag end close. Go fish!



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