Here’s how to make your own durable jigs with a wide range of color options, and the durability to stand up to the teeth of bluefish and doormat fluke.
Adding silicone skirts to a jig head is a great way to put a new spin on a classic lure. Although tying hair on jigs is effective, it is also time consuming and messy. Toothy fish like bluefish and fluke can shred up a bucktail pretty quickly. Silicone skirts are more durable, customizable, and the actions they give a jig is unmatched. Traditionally used for large/smallmouth bass jigs, silicone skirts can be added to any jig head and are deadly for big fluke (especially when tipped with a strip bait), sea bass and stripers. They can be tied on small jigs as light as 1/8 ounce, fished as a chicken rig or on jigs as large as 6 ounces. There are hundreds of different color combinations of silicon tabs that you can purchase online, which gives your finished product millions of possibilities. This also allows you to match the colors of the baitfish in the area you are fishing or the many different color Gulp grub options. Some retailers sell premade skirts that can be slid over the collar of the jig. Although they are great for convenience, they are only held on by a rubber band and are not very durable. Color combinations are also very limited in the premade skirts and they are a lot more expensive. The silicon tabs are sold in tabs of 100 and the price point is drastically cheaper. With a few basic tools, some silicon skirt tabs, and some painted jig heads you’ll be well on your way to stocking up for the coming season.