Bluefish Hearing This Week
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council is holding hearings to gather public input for the Bluefish Allocation and Rebuilding Amendment.
North Shore: Early Spring Surf
Tradition says to kick off the surf fishing season in the Western Sound - here’s why.
Charting Your Way to Better Fishing
Making a “milk run” could pay big dividends over the course of a fishing day.
Pre-season Action: Time Out for Trout
With flounder off the table, many anglers look to trout for early spring action.
A Guide to Repowering With Outboards
The author shares his years of experience to help you select the right power plant for your fishing machine.
Widespread Hookups: Tracking for Bluefin
Bluefin action was off the charts in 2019, especially for those who included wide and side trackers in their spread.
Nova Scotia: Stripers of the Northland
The striped bass population is alive and well many miles north of the proverbial “Striper Coast.”
2020 Plug Building: The 2T Pencil
The story behind and the instructions to build a lure that has reached almost mythical status in recent years up and down the Striper Coast.
News Briefs
Spring Kickoff: Set Your Sights on Ling
Many anglers are looking for a repeat of last spring’s widespread action with red hake, aka ling.
More In This Issue
Stepping Stones Light
The Stepping Stones Lighthouse sits atop a rocky foundation east of the Throgs Neck Bridge, and off the tip of City Island, the Bronx.
Tony Maja Custom Mojo Rod
Trolling is the go-to technique for catching more and bigger striped bass, and Tony Arcabascio has been on the cutting edge of striper trolling innovations for over 50 years.