Long Island Video Fishing Forecast - August 10, 2023 - The Fisherman

Long Island Video Fishing Forecast – August 10, 2023

Montauk Fluke to 15.8 Pounds!

This week we got a report of the largest fluke of the year coming out of Montauk. The monster weighed in at 15.8 pounds after being bled. Other good fluking opportunities continue west of the end of the island in Shinnecock and Moriches. The island’s West End also produced shots at quality fish over 10 pounds in the last week. A few summer weakfish are starting to make a showing in the Moses area along with the Peconics. Most stripers have moved east of Montauk with some staging in the Sound’s rips. Bluefish up to 16 pounds remain in place all over the Sound and near Montauk Point. Good offshore reports continue with a mix of yellowfin, bluefin, bigeyes, and mahi.