Black Drum Arrive in NJ – Weakfish & Blues Too!
The first report of a black drum came by way of the Brigantine jetty over the weekend, with a second report of a “dinner” fish somewhere out in the back waters. Before finishing up with our weekly regional reports on Sunday night (posted to on Monday morning) we also learned of the first weakfish reported in Sea Isle, with several southern sources from Absecon to Broadkill Beach on the Delaware checking with news of the blues! We just passed the new moon of April, with the next full moon on April 26; often referred to as the Pink Moon or the “Fish Moon” April’s full lunar event should only usher in another solid wave of action in the New Jersey, Delaware Bay region. As things ramp up over the next few weeks, we have more reports in this week’s video forecast on jumbo stripers on the Raritan and Delaware, a reminder of April togging, and a quick look at Shad watch 2021 along the Delaware River.