ASMFC Striped Bass Vote Draws Mixed Reviews
I’ve been getting lots of feedback since the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASMFC) Atlantic Striped Bass Board approved Addendum VI to Amendment 6 of the Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Atlantic Striped Bass, with many folks questioning the results of the board’s vote on size limits and the hearing process leading up to their decision, while applauding other aspects of the Addendum.
Easy Roof Rack
Easy to make and transferable from one vehicle to another, this rack is a simple answer to transporting those 10- and 11-foot surf rods.
Offshore: International Mako Madness
Can delegates from the U.S. snatch our mako fishery from the jaws of defeat at ICCAT.
Inshore: Head South for Winter Action
It’s beginning to look a lot like travel season!
Surf: Using the Wind
Find a way to put an unexpected bad wind to your advantage in the surf.
Product Spotlight: Grundéns buoy x bib & jacket
Grundéns recently unveiled a new, rugged line of fishing rain gear in partnership with Gore-Tex comprised of three jackets and two bibs all designed with specific fishing features and utilizing Gore-Tex’s proprietary waterproof breathable technology.