New Jersey Video Fishing Forecast - November 25, 2020 - The Fisherman

New Jersey Video Fishing Forecast – November 25, 2020

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November 25th – Thanksgiving Weekend Forecast for New Jersey

It’s typical Thanksgiving fare in these parts, “tins & teasers” for the four-day stretch of family, feasts and fishing. Surf action is pretty solid at the Jersey Shore, a whole bunch of shorts, a good dose of keepers, and more than a few “overs” to make the holiday stretch a bit more exciting. There are a number of heavy metal options for deploying in the surf, though surfcasters should be prepared for all scenarios (ie, what’s in your plug bag?) By boat, those looking to invite a 28- to <38 home for the holiday should definitely consider adding umbrellas to the trolling mix with those mojos or spoons, though we do have a 55-pound striper reported on a Maja spoon that was CPR’d this week off LBI. Black sea bass and tautog will keep head boat passengers buttoned up over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, with bluebird days to sail in the weekend ahead and light W/NW and fair seas in the Friday through Sunday forecast. Local charter boat can also get you to the grounds this week; don’t be surprised to hear word on a few “ghosts” being chased either by the tuna hunters looking for a final score. Still waiting on word on a speckled trout run in Cape May though we did get a weigh-in from Seaside this week; and if you think the northern run has passed, think again; from the Raritan Bayshore this week the shop report we received was “striped bass fishing continues to be outstanding.” From all of us at The Fisherman Magazine, here’s to a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday with family, and plenty of fish!