While beaches may not be producing like they were at Thanksgiving, the thumbnail image of the week while “On a Mission” show plenty of striped bass at the Jersey Shore for those with boats in the water. Lots to talk about striped bass this week, the latest reports and the current management mayhem surrounding the upcoming vote on Monday, December 16 at the ASMFC. If you’re easily triggered by open dialog and discussion, or simply tired of the striper chat, pick your way past the Garbage Man and the management mumbo jumbo to the 9-minute mark for a look at black sea bass and tautog options this month. We also have some holiday shopping and sharing ideas for you with less than two weeks to go before Christmas. Local events, and our weekend weather outlook with some bluefin tuna tips from Jersey Shore tackle shops, along with our weekly freshwater update from the foggy Pocono Mountains. We wrap it all up with a bow on top of a stocked trout reminder, attack drones, and a report from Costa Rica.