Young Studds
In the early ‘70s, Alaska republican Don Young and Massachusetts democrat Gerry Studds crossed the aisle to collaborate on legislation to protect America’s coastal fisheries.
Dream Big: Deep Dropping for Doormats
Late summer fluking can yield some of the biggest fish of the season, including some worthy of Dream Boat status.
Southern Speedsters: Albies, Spanish Mackerel and Bonito
These late summer visitors are a fan favorite of light tackle anglers in the Northeast.
Summertime Wreck Fishing: Always in the Game
The modus operandi for wreck fishing changes with the seasons, and the summer months typically offer the most varied possibilities for success.
Mid-range Trolling: Perfecting the Spread
Tried and true trolling spread techniques that turn on tuna and mahimahi.
Summer Stripers: Feed ‘Em an Eel
Casting eels at night in the August surf is the surest way to fend off the summer doldrums.
Diversify Your Fluke Fishing
Having the tools to shift gears and vary your approach to the fluke game helps you catch more and bigger fluke over the course of a season.
Redfish: Are “Reds” in Our Future?
Call them red drum, redfish or ol’ time channel bass, the “red” fishery seems to be expanding.
Reading the Beach: Subtleties of the Late Summer Surf
From kings, fluke and croaker now, to monster striper tomorrow, active scouting is underway.
Road Trip: Old School, New School
In terms of fathers and sons, success often comes somewhere between the generational gap.
Late Summer: Skinny Water Fluke
It’s really cool being able to physically watch the entire process unfold as a fish eats my bucktail.
The West Branch: Dog Day Trout
It’s a relatively short trip from urban to extraordinary, where big trout oblige in summer’s heat.
More In This Issue
Triple Crown Stripers
Reliving an epic day of striped bass fishing off of Long Island’s South Shore on June 9 of this year.
17 Fathom Bank
Nestled on the upper west end of the Mud Hole, 17 Fathoms is always mentioned by the top captains throughout the year.
Cortland Master Braid
Designed for a wide range of fresh and saltwater applications, Cortland Master Braid™ incorporates Opti-Con™ technology to join the optimum number of bundles of individual gel-spun fibers into a tighter braid structure, providing optimum strength and handling.
Soy Tuna
The next time you connect with a bluefin tuna, try this. It is my ultimate recipe for bluefin, and one that is sure to impress your dinner guests.