Bring on the New Year!
The December edition of The Fisherman is the last one of 2017; that means subscribers get a 14-week break from the weekly deliveries.
2017 Holiday Gift Guide
The ultimate gift for the light tackle angler who spends time chasing inshore gamefish like stripers, false albacore and bluefish here in the Northeast, and bonefish, tarpon, permit and redfish during forays to our south.
A Winter Option: Cold Weather Trouting
Fall trout stockings by DEC have greatly enhanced the winter fishing opportunities here on Long Island.
Good Eats: Holiday Recipes
These recipes should put a smile on the faces of your guests this holiday season.
North Shore Harbors: Close It Out With Squid
As the action with stripers and blues winds down, a growing number of anglers set their sights on the late season squid run.
Time Tested Cod Tactics
These cod fishing tactics have stood the test of time and are as effective today as they were in the “good old days.”
More In This Issue
The Fish That Cheers Me Up
In my home I have an office that my wife calls my ‘man cave’. It is full of pictures and many things collected as memoirs of the times I just love to revisit.
Norman J. Levy Park Fishing Pier
The pier is located in the unique environs of Hempstead Town’s Norman J. Levy Park and Preserve in Merrick, an environmentally friendly wildlife sanctuary spread over 55 acres on the South Shore’s Merrick Bay.
Make Your Own Boot Remover
Slipping out of a pair of boot foot waders is not always as easy as it should be, especially if the boot foot is a little on the tight side.