Sea Bass: Management Methodology
The black sea bass fishery is jointly managed by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, ASMFC, and the National Marine Fisheries Service, NMFS. ASMFC issued a Public Information Document for Addendum XXX to the Fishery Management Plan for black sea bass in December 2017, on which they are looking for public comments.
The Trolling Motor Advantage
Not just for freshwater bassmen and southern flats boats, the trolling motor is fast-becoming a valuable tool of Northeast anglers in the know.
Nat’s Needle
Kicking back to a needlefish plug designed by legendary Long Island surfcaster Nat Piazza.
Marine Electronics Roundup
With fierce competition bringing prices down and overall functionality up to new levels, there has never been a better time to shop for new electronics.
Striped Bass: History and Life Cycle
A revealing look at the life cycle and history of arguably the most popular sportfish on the East Coast.
New York Surf Fishing Contest Annual Report
The NYSFC contest officer analyzes results of the 2017 installment of this season long inter-club surf contest.
Reel-Modding: Resurrecting the Jigmaster
Breathe new life into an old-school classic conventional workhorse of a reel.
South Shore Wrecks: Cod, Pollock, Ling and More
Bundle up and commit to tangling with some good eating table fare this winter.
Common Sense Plug Modifications
Here are some simple modifications that can make life easier and safer for you and the fish.
White Perch: Beating Cabin Fever
This close relative to the striped bass can provide a welcome reprieve from cabin fever through the winter months.
More In This Issue
When Life Gives You Lemons
The world is full of fascinating people. One of the most remarkable people I have ever met while fishing would have to be Tony.
South Beach, Fire Island
I’m always amazed that there are still surf fishermen out there who spend little or no time on the backsides of our South Shore barrier beaches.
Stir Fried Fish
In the Orient it is called stir frying. Western Civilization seems content with the term sautéing, but in either case, it is a quick and efficient method to cook fish.