Leading off this week’s video fishing forecast for the New Jersey, Delaware region with some topwater action on yellowfin tuna at the Hudson Canyon. In addition to jigging and trolling, the pop and chunk bite is now underway with reports on midrange bluefin out to the edge with the yellowfin. On Open Boat Jenni gets the lowdown from this week’s digital weekly cover subject about a topwater marlin, an inshore feed shows plenty of bonito are around, and weekend weather outlook that could be best described as “tasty.” Get some bluefin tuna jigging advice, get a look at the inshore bait stacking up and the possibility for good fluke action down the home stretch of the season. Kingfish, croakers, tautog and sheepshead, but it’s hard to resist that offshore allure when thinking about those tasty tilefish just waiting to be boxed up! Our weekly report from the Poconos with George, and a rundown on upcoming events in the New Jersey, Delaware Bay region.