It’s a Leap Year, 29 days in the month of February which means just 29 more days until the outback striper fishery reopens in the state of New Jersey for the 2024 season on March 1. If you watched last week’s segment on the ASMFC striped bass decision and walked away with your own questions and concerns, we dive into some of the latest comments we’ve heard at The Fisherman, a look over a couple of fresh striped bass management charts from ASMFC that may surprise you. Spend a few minutes looking over the February print edition of The Fisherman in newsstands and tackle shops this week, and delve into white perch, throughout the region, while Jenni has some tautog tips in Open Boat this week and George has your freshwater report from the Poconos. There are boats sailing this weekend for cod, pollock and ling, but many local anglers will be found inside at one of the many weekend shows and events being held in New Jersey.