Last Licks: Rhody End Game
November offers plenty of opportunity and action along the South County shoreline for the mobile surfcaster.
Head South: Jersey Road Trip
Pack up and follow the fall run of stripers to extend your surf season well past the Turkey Day feast.
Oops, They Did It Again: 2020 Northeast Striped Bass Study
And now there are four!
The Late Show: Working Deepwater Wrecks
Sinker bouncing and jigging for deepwater species are among the few options available from November through April, but well worth the effort.
Last Licks: Late Season Stripers
The November surf can provide a good dose of rod bending action before the curtain closes on the season.
Bucktailing The Surf: Trim A Jig
Trimming some hair can affect the casting distance, sink rate, swing rate and profile of your bucktail.
Trophy Tautog: Double Digit Do’s And Don’ts
The quest for personal best requires a dedicated effort.
More In This Issue
Hot Spot of the Month: Block Island’s South Side
The largest fish that I have ever hooked—and lost—in the surf took place along this fabled stretch of shoreline.