Plug Progression: Wood, Plastic & Beyond
The journey of the surfcaster can be mapped out in plugs.
Cod On Artificials: Fake It ‘Til You Make It!
Ditch the cold hands and smelly bait, switch to the jig for late-season cod.
A Tarpon Tale: Of Fishing & Friendship
A landmark catch during The Derby highlights what the 79-year old tournament is really all about.
A November Oasis: Late-Season Action At Coxes Ledge
Find a weather window and fish for a wide variety of species at Coxes Ledge!
Catch & Release: The Right Way
An ounce of prevention might be worth many release mortality percentage points in the future!
Last Call: Another November To Remember
There’s still plenty of time to score, close to port or offshore.
Boating Bass: Lure-By-Lure Breakdown
A series of lures and techniques will work from the boat for stripers this fall.
Tiger Tales: Chasing Jersey’s Muskie Magic
A crossover northern pike and muskie hybrid, close to home.
Tog Tricks: Think Like A Fish
Striper logic, as it applies to togging.
Thanksgiving Blessings: Sand Eels & Surf Stripers
First the mullet, then the menhaden, now bring on the lances!