Targeting Invasive & Exotic Species at the Jersey Shore
Got a spotted lanternfly problem? Blast ’em off your property, one-by-one; or, turn black-spotted lemons into lemonade with a couple of tips from the online archives of The Fisherman Magazine. Join Hutch in his backyard this week for a deep-dive into summer variety and the August edition of New Jersey, Delaware Bay edition out this week, available now in newsstands and coming soon to subscribers’ mailboxes. Approaching the halfway point of summer and we look at some of our summer visitors ‘down the shore’ including pompano, northern kingfish, and an NFL ‘hall of famer’ who presented a few big checks to some local Jersey guys recently on the offshore grounds. A rundown on local fluking action from the lower Hudson to Indian River Inlet, with doormat candies prevalent throughout the range right now which could put you into a new Dream Boat. Of course, you don’t want to forget about sheepshead on the jetties and bridges throughout the region, while tautog and porgy are back in play at the Jersey Shore on Tuesday.