NJ/DE Bay Region Fishing Forecast - November 10, 2022 - The Fisherman

NJ/DE Bay Region Fishing Forecast – November 10, 2022

ASMFC Comes to Town – Greeted by Jumbo Stripers

We kick off our Veteran’s Day weekend video fishing forecast with a quick snippet of mini-blitz conditions in the surf the Friday before; thre are fish on the move at the Jersey Shore, with poppers, smaller metal-lips and swim shads getting it done, bucktails when the winds are stiff onshore. A focus on striped bass this week, with fisheries managers from Maine to Florida in town this week for the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission; get the latest word on striped bass from a regulatory basis direct from the November 7th meeting, with a quick look at the November 3rd meeting of the New Jersey Marine Fisheries Council as well. More on weekend surf conditions including winds from the NOAA Weather outlook, a local tournament update, bluefin on a porgy rig, with albies still chasing smaller baits, as well as our regional freshwater update from George.