Current Issue - The Fisherman
issue cover
long island
May 2017

More In This Issue

2017 5 Grilled Tuna

Grilled Tuna or Shark Steaks

This month will see the first tuna reports filtering in from the canyons, along with the first sharks of the season before next month’s influx of shark tournaments.

2017 5 Bananas

Superstition: Fact or Fiction

2017 5 Eatons Neck Triangle

Eatons Neck Triangle

Those who fish the pristine waters of Long Island Sound’s Eaton’s Neck, which rests north of Northport Bay, should be familiar with the fishing grounds known as the Eaton’s Neck Triangle.

2017 5 Upscale Fiberglass

Upscale Fiberglass

Certain situations call for a light action rod with an action less stiff than all-graphite rods.

2017 5 Sea Eagle Fishsup

Sea Eagle FishSUP and FastTrack

Looking for an economical and efficient fishing platform that provides a stealthy approach into the shallowest and most difficult to reach fishing areas?


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