Humminbird Coastmaster Charts
Just introduced for their growing lineup of big-screen color multi-function displays, Humminbird’s new CoastMaster cartography gives their saltwater angling customers a very special new tool in the sport fishing toolbox.
From The Galley: Fish And Vegetable Soup
Soup’s on after some off the hook bottomfishing.
Surf: Pick A Tide
The knowledge accumulated over many trips becomes the foundation of success.
Freshwater: Bow-Cast Brookies
An essential technique for wild fall trout, the bow-and-arrow cast is perfect for working a small, overgrown stream.
Inshore: Species Profile – False Albacore
False Albacore (sarda sarda) are known by many names around the world, including Atlantic bonito, little tunny, albie, Atlantic little tuna, Atlantic little tunny, bone-eater, and mackerel tuna.