New Jersey Video Fishing Forecast - May 5, 2022 - The Fisherman

New Jersey Video Fishing Forecast – May 5, 2022

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Week#1 Rundown on Jersey Shore Fluke Fishing

Whether you’re fishing for flounder in South Jersey and Delaware, or strictly fluking in North Jersey and New York, the coastwide season is now underway. In the Garden State, summer flounder season reopened on Monday, May 2 and continues through September 27 with a three fish bag – two fish in the “slot” from 17 to 17.99 inches and one at 18 inches (there’s also a 17-inch minimum and three fish bag west of COLREGS on Delaware Bay; 16 inches and two per angler at IBSP). In Delaware, it’s a four fish bag limit and 16-inch size limit on summer flounder with no closed season, while in New York the fluke regulations for 2022 are four fish at an18-1/2-inch minimum with an open season from May 1 through October 9. A regional update on tautog, jumbo weakfish for Dream Boat contention, our weekly update from the Poconos, plus the latest on bluefish, bluefin tuna and Jersey Shore striped bass.