NJ/DE Bay Region Fishing Forecast - June 29, 2023 - The Fisherman

NJ/DE Bay Region Fishing Forecast – June 29, 2023

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NJ/DE July First Weekend Fishing Forecast

With the Fourth of July holiday falling on a Tuesday ahead, the weekend fishing festivities at the Jersey Shore could be starting even earlier than normal has folks navigate their way around the potential for a four- or five-day weekend. We kick off this week’s video fishing forecast in the New Jersey, Delaware Bay region with a rundown on the July 2023 edition of The Fisherman in newsstands this week with our regular Dream Boat tournament update. This week’s forecast comes from Long Island’s North Fork, but back home along the Jersey Shore we’ve got our very first tarpon sighting of 2023. Sheepshead action in South Jersey continues to improve with triggerfish now showing up in the reports, though weekend beach plans with the family should also include a little surf fluking, Fishbites for kingfish, or casting at bluefish. New Jersey’s black sea bass bycatch allowance returns on Saturday, though Delaware anglers keep on keeping on with the knotheads, though southern reports show that tuna action is heating up and moving north. Tournament updates with Open Boat advice with Jenni and our weekly report from the Pocono mountains with George.