NJ/DE Bay Region Fishing Forecast - September 29, 2022 - The Fisherman

NJ/DE Bay Region Fishing Forecast – September 29, 2022

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September 29 Video Fishing Forecast for New Jersey, Delaware Bay

By beach or boat, many angling minds in the New Jersey, Delaware Bay region now are loaded with thoughts of jumbo striped bass moving down the beach. But even though this Saturday is the 1st of October, we’re still a couple/few weeks away from things really starting to pop on the striper front; until that point, the “speedsters” like false albacore will really keep the excitement going in the next few days after fluke has closed and until sea bass (NJ) begins. Just like last week we can expect to see some tropical remnants impacting our weekend forecast, as well as some semi-tropical visitors in some rather surprising locations (redfish in the north?) Updates from the beach as we head into the first weekend of October, the latest reports from out in Pennsylvania, and other news and information you can use as you make plans for the weekend ahead.