Exploding Heads
It’s a question I posted to my Jersey fishing friends on Facebook in December, which immediately generated 62 NO responses, and 17 YES.
The Trolling Motor Advantage
Not just for freshwater bassmen and southern flats boats, the trolling motor is fast-becoming a valuable tool of Northeast anglers in the know.
Nat’s Needle
Kicking back to a needlefish plug designed by legendary Long Island surfcaster Nat Piazza.
Marine Electronics Roundup
With fierce competition bringing prices down and overall functionality up to new levels, there has never been a better time to shop for new electronics.
Striped Bass: History and Life Cycle
A revealing look at the life cycle and history of arguably the most popular sportfish on the East Coast.
February Fishing: Four Spots for Winter Crappies
In mild or extreme weather, one local species of fish active the year round is the crappie.
PWC Fishing: Wait, Before You Turn the Page….
Jet-Skis and Waverunners can attract bold young anglers looking for thrills and screaming reels.
Delaware Tog: First State’s February Focus
Delaware’s reef sites provide plenty of opportunity to score big in February.
2 Hooks, 1 Crab: Up Your Tog Numbers
A simple rigging suggestion to help improve your tautog take on the winter wrecks.
Reel-Modding: Resurrecting the Jigmaster
Breathe new life into an old-school classic conventional workhorse of a reel.
South Shore Wrecks: Cod, Pollock, Ling and More
Bundle up and commit to tangling with some good eating table fare this winter.
More In This Issue
When Life Gives You Lemons
The world is full of fascinating people. One of the most remarkable people I have ever met while fishing would have to be Tony.
The Klondike
Roughly 5-1/2 miles off the coast between Manasquan and Shark River inlets, the Klondike (40 08.956/73 54.565) is an easily accessible, bottom fisherman friendly paradise.
Stir Fried Fish
In the Orient it is called stir frying. Western Civilization seems content with the term sautéing, but in either case, it is a quick and efficient method to cook fish.