Of Stripers and Circles and Gaffs, Oh My!
Back in January, the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) drafted a conservation measure titled, “Proposal to Reduce Striped Bass Release Mortality.”
Finding Fluke: Point Judith to Charlestown
A pile of spots off the eastern end of the South Shore of Rhode Island to find fluke this summer.
Guest Opinion: The State of the Shark
As seal populations continue to increase, so too do the sightings of nearshore Atlantic great white sharks in New England.
What Lies Beneath: Reading Subsurface Structure
How to read the coastal landscape to understand the bottom composition, currents and species beneath your hull.
Fishing an Outflow: The Overlooked Jig
No less productive today than in seasons past, the jig could be the perfect lure for fishing deep current.
Bass News: Striper Stocks and 50 Count
While fifties were down last season, the smaller fish, and not all that small, were in good numbers.
Seakeeper 2.0 Anti-Roll Gyro
It used to be that shipboard gyrostabilizers were the exclusive domain of supersized yachts and sportfishers.
Announcing The Northeast Striped Bass Study
Gray FishTag Research, Navionics and The Fisherman Magazine are developing a satellite tagging study for striped bass with a forward looking objective to pioneer a new level of understanding about striped bass.
Pour Your Own: Making Soft Plastics
From crafting molds to blending unique custom colors, pouring soft plastics is a rewarding way to pass the winter months.
Setting Up an Efficient Surf Belt
This vital piece of equipment provides an added measure of safety and efficiency to the surf game.
Turning Pro: Go for Your Dreams
So you want to be like Mike and make it on the professional bass circuit?
Travel Log: Florida – More Than Just the Keys
Florida is a major destination for Northeast anglers looking to bend a rod on a host of inshore and offshore species from March through May.
Spoons or Mojos? The “Big Game” Striper Combo
When it comes to their action, mojos are more forgiving than spoons and will catch bass at a wider range of speeds than the spoons.
Lip Service: Making Plugs Work for You
Here’s how you can modify plastic-lipped swimming plugs to bring your success in the surf to another level.
How-to: Powder Paint Your Own Jigs
Here’s an economical way to build a good inventory of custom finished jig heads.
Striped Bass Assessment Update
The latest stock assessment states that the stock is in a state of decline and it will continue to decline unless something is done to reverse that trend.
More In This Issue
Execution Rock
In 1850 a light station was established on a rocky reef off of what is now known as Sands Point in the west end of Long Island Sound.
Ode to a Doormat
Luck notwithstanding, the facts surrounding the catch of my Dream Boat doormat did include a modicum of expertise plus the right response to the situation.