Maintaining Editorial Integrity
Fishing, and covering the various issues associated with it, used to be a whole lot simpler before making the turn into the 21st Century.
The Making of a Party Boat Mate
It’s often left to the mate to ensure those on board have an enjoyable trip - whether the fish cooperate or not.
A Dozen Common Mistakes and How to Correct Them
Here are twelve common mistakes made by novice and veteran anglers alike – and here’s how to correct them.
Live-Lining in the New Millennium
It may be a lazy delight to sit back while your bunker flops around the boat, but tending and working your gear will trigger more strikes.
Offshore Tactics: Dragging a Mixed Spread
Until you know what fish find to their liking on any given day, a mixed spread is the best way to find the hot color and size.
Fluke Rigs: Tried and True – Old and New
Spice up your fishing by experimenting with some of these other rigs and you just might discover a new favorite.
Boat Review: Contender 44ST
The new 44ST reminds me of their popular 39ST, but like a supersized version on steroids.
Day Tripping the Edge: Maximizing Your Opportunities
Take advantage of the latest electronic systems to broaden your options when making that long run to and from the Edge.
Bullseye on Bonito: The Mini Pelagics
The Spanish word for beautiful – bonito. In the Northeast, it also means opportunity.
Bangin’ Biscuits: Shift Gears for Sea Bass
As sea bass season enters its later stages, a change of tactics is required to stay on top of the action.
Late Summer Option: Go Deep for Fluke
Focusing your efforts in the ocean during August and September can make that dream of a double digit doormat a reality.
Surf Speed-O’s: Gearing-up for Albies
The end of summer brings a new season and a reward for those of us who have been patiently waiting for the first slice of silver through the waves.
Ballyhoo: Hot Bait for Tuna
They are readily available and with proper rigging techniques are deadly on tuna.
More In This Issue
Oak Beach Shoreline
Stretching from the west side of the Robert Moses Bridge to the Sore Thumb Pocket along the northern shore of Fire Island Inlet, on the barrier island separating the Atlantic from Great South Bay, lies the sleepy community of Oak Beach.
The Hole in One Striper
Over the course of a lifetime of fishing, most fisherman can recall many memorable and even strange fishing experiences that occurred over the years.